Katie is a Professional Member of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP), accredited for the Education, History and Planning specializations. She is also a Professional Member of The Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists (HKICON). She is the current Vice President of the BC Association of Heritage Professionals (BCAHP) and a recent member of the Heritage Advisory Panel for the City of Victoria.
If you are in need of heritage consulting services, please contact Katie Cummer.

Cummer Heritage Consulting (CHC) is based in Victoria, British Columbia, with services provided throughout the province. (Image source: Katie Cummer)

Heritage Planning and Documentation Project (Image Source: Ian Babbitt)

Heritage Planning Project (Image source: Katie Cummer)

Cummer Heritage Consulting (CHC) is based in Victoria, British Columbia, with services provided throughout the province. (Image source: Katie Cummer)
With extensive experience, Dr. Katie Cummer (Principal of Cummer Heritage Consulting), has a wide range of knowledge and expertise in heritage conservation. Her expertise includes conservation planning, educational programming and heritage-focused research. She is an active researcher and writer, analysing sites around the province to facilitate informed decision-making. As an educator, she has substantial experience designing and running conservation-related courses and workshops for a range of audiences, including secondary school students, undergraduate and graduate university students, as well as practicing professionals.
CHC offers heritage consulting services throughout the province of British Columbia and has worked in communities such as Central Saanich, Coquitlam, Duncan, Kelowna, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Oyama, Port Moody, Saanichton, Saltspring Island, Vancouver, West Vancouver and Victoria, in addition to working extensively in Hong Kong.
Deliverables include Conservation Plans; Heritage Assessments and Evaluations; Heritage Strategies; and Statements of Significance (SoS), among others.
Services include: